Wednesday, December 21, 2005

In my family we have an expression: TSTO. It stands for Too Soon To Obsess. My sisters and I invented it for my mom but admit that it often applies to us in equal measure--we all tend toward advance planning and contingency planning (a.k.a. worrying.)

So let's just start by putting everyone on TSTO alert and then admitting that my blood pressure was a little high today--130/97. The non-stress test was perfect so the baby is just fine, and at nearly 35 weeks now, would be fine outside the womb if that becomes necessary. After the blood pressure alert, they ran some labs, which came back normal. So they sent me home and will have me back tomorrow to repeat the tests and re-check blood pressure. Sorry to leave you in suspense, but there really isn't more to say at this point. It's a wait-and-see day. But again, TSTO. Stay calm and I'll report back tomorrow afternoon.