Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Edward had a good third day today as we figured out a few things about what makes him tick. We learned that 35-weekers often fall asleep while feeding, for instance, so a little supplemental formula helps to fill him up. We learned that he's small enough that he needs a few extra layers to stay warm, so a double layer of sleepers and an extra blanket or two keep him toasty and warm. With these things figured out, everything seems to be working as it should. After losing a bit of weight his first two days -- something that is entirely expected -- he put a few ounces back on today and should have no trouble regaining his birth weight by the end of his first week.

Mary also is doing well, and is feeling good. She'll be discharged tomorrow, and Edward should come home with us at that time. On the off chance they want to keep him around to watch his weight or temperature, he might stay an extra day or two. By the end of the week, however, the three of us should be home and getting settled in together.