Friday, March 04, 2011

Poor, sad Daniel has been sick since Wednesday afternoon. (Picture at left is to remind us of his goofy normal self--it's from our blizzard day last month.)

Germs have been rampant at daycare the last few weeks, so basically, it was just his turn. But whereas Ed had a fever last Wednesday afternoon that broke sometime overnight leaving him feeling fine (if a little congested) by Thursday, Daniel has had the fever off and on for three days now. It's gone as high as 102.5 (and we measure under the arm, which is supposed to be low compared to orally.) We thought he was over the hump this morning after a rough night, but by nap time the temp was climbing again. Could be a long weekend.

But even when he's not at the top of his game, he entertains through his direct and literal observations and pronouncements. For example, on the way to pick up Edward from school (Daniel in a footie sleeper w/coat because he just couldn't bring himself to get dressed or even put on shoes, and who was I to argue?) announced from the back seat, "I'm getting angry because my window doesn't have a windshield wiper!" It was raining and he was not pleased to observe the world through the drops.

To distract from this anger, I pointed out a guy standing high on a billboard preparing to install a new sign. We talked about how he got up so high and what he would do up there. Daniel thought we'd see a new sign by the time we were coming home (he was right.) As for how it would be installed: "Well, he has a hammer, so he's going to 'ham' the pegs."

No wonder I'm so worthless when it comes to all things home repair. I never knew I was supposed to use a hammer to "ham!"