Tuesday, August 07, 2007

This is an image captured from a video, so not very large or high quality, but we loved the expression on his face. We were trying to get him to demonstrate ring around the rosie, but of course he stopped doing it once the camera was rolling. He is now very interested in the camera and walks right up to it pointing when he sees it, which makes it kinda hard to take pictures. But John likes the super close up, so maybe it's not such a bad thing.

It has been very hot and humid here this week, so we've been outside only in short bursts. Edward did a little chalk drawing on the patio on Sunday and ran his firetruck up and down the ramp a few times on Friday. He wasn't as fascinated with the spectacular crashes off the end or side of the ramp as I thought he'd be. My brothers will be so disappointed.

Indoor activities have included coloring with crayons, which he has learned to love at daycare. We discovered that the Rubbermaid container full of his outgrown clothes, which is strategically placed in front of some cords that can't be otherwise put off limits, makes an excellent art studio. When he says "color" it sounds a lot like "car" so we have to catch the meaning from context. He likes to hold up the crayons one at a time so that each color can be announced. So far he can identify black and sort of say it, but I'm not ruling out coincidence on that one since none of the other colors seem to be identifiable. He doesn't have a tremendous attention span for this activity, and in fact sometimes seems more interested in the box than the colors, as you can see if you decide to watch this video. Fair warning--it's about three seconds of coloring and about 45 of trying to put the crayon back in the box. I was too lazy to edit.

Another favorite indoor activity is John's guitar, which he somehow allows Edward to explore without having a heart attack. This is closely supervised and usually short lived, but Ed loves it and frequently bangs on the door to the office where the guitar is stored. At the end of the guitar segment, you get an idea of why we're having trouble getting photos these days.