Thursday, August 16, 2007

OK, Edward isn't going to be asked to join Mensa anytime soon, but he still exhibited what I thought was a pretty sophisticated bit of logic this evening that is of the sort that I never thought I'd share.

As Mary reported yesterday, our plans to move fell through yesterday, so tonight we met with our real estate agent to sign the papers to take our house off the market. Edward, of course, was trying his best to get our attention throughout all this, running around like, well, like a toddler full of energy. At one point he left the kitchen and went into the living room, where he occupied himself for a while. He came back after a couple of minutes with a container of talc he'd pulled out of his diaper bag, which he had removed from a cabinet and somehow clawed open. I took it from him, he waited for a moment to see if I was going to do anything more, and then went back into the living room. After another couple of minutes, he came back to retrieve the talc. I gave it to him with reservations, sure that he would figure out how to open it and shake it all over the living room. I followed him this time and saw that he had taken the changing pad out of the diaper bag as well. He proceeded to walk across the room, dropped the talc next to the bag and then laid down on the pad. Being relatively smart, I asked him if he had pooped. He pointed to his shorts, said "puh" (which is one of his new favorite words) and finally got through to me the fact that he needed to be changed.

It's not the multiplication tables or anything, but I was still pretty amazed at how methodically and patiently he put all of that together. Suffice to say, we celebrate small things around here.