Monday, July 16, 2007

Big news since the last post. Our house is for sale.

We've been looking for a few months to see if we could find a place that had a few amenities that this one is lacking--namely space. We'd seen lots of duds and a few possibilities, but last week we finally found one that had (almost) everything we were looking for. We made an offer and after a few counters we reached an agreement. We offered contingent on the sale of our house so that meant we had the weekend to get it ready to list. That meant no rest for the weary around here. Lots of cleaning and "decluttering." A trip to the dump and another to our recently rented storage facility. Oh, and keeping track of Edward all the while. No easy task given that he was very curious about what we were doing that was taking our attention away from him. He did try to help a bit, which was fun for all. John was washing the kitchen storm windows and Ed wormed his way into John's lap to get a closer look at the action.

But he also had a bit of a stomach bug, which meant he was not his usual cheerful self, he couldn't eat many of the things he loves, and we couldn't really ask anyone else to watch him for us because we like our friends too much to impose those kinds of diapers! We managed to make it work, mostly because John broke his back getting things done while I kept Ed corralled. The most egregious example was when we went to the park while John and our friend Loren loaded up the truck and headed out to unload it in storage.

We're hoping Ed is on the mend now. At daycare they think it might be related to at least one new tooth, a molar. He has his (delayed) 18-month check-up tomorrow so we'll review the last couple of days with his doctor to see if she thinks we should be doing anything differently. The biggest thing is trying to get him to drink. He refuses water and of course juice is out of the question. He had quite a bit of sugar free Jell-o today, which I understand to be an acceptable form of hydration for sick kids. He's not too fond of the pedialyte, but maybe in the morning he'll be thirsty enough to give it another go.

In the meantime, our house is cleaner than it has ever been. And I've been reminded of just how terrible a housekeeper I am--oh my, the cobwebs!