Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Edward is a champion sleeper. I think I've said in previous posts that at his daycare, nap time starts around 11:30 or 11:45. Since I pick him up shortly after noon, he tries to wait until he gets home for his nap, playing in a different part of the room away from where the others are sleeping. Sometimes, like today, he just doesn't make it. When I picked him up his teacher said he'd been playing at a low shelf with toys and she suddenly realized that she wasn't hearing him anymore. She looked over and he was asleep with his head on the shelf, still kneeling in front of it. So she picked him up and held him until I got there. Then I took him, put his jacket on, carried him out to the car, buckled him in his seat, drove home, unbuckled him from the seat, carried him in, put him in the crib, and took off his jacket, all while he slept. A couple of times he kind of rolled his head around and peeked, but he basically stayed asleep through all that. Amazing!

I suppose he comes by it naturally though. John's parents are still amazed that they used to have to wake him up on Christmas morning when he wanted to keep sleeping. He says, "Well, I knew the presents would still be there!" There are many family stories about my childhood sleeping habits, including falling asleep behind the living room curtains, sleeping on the couch while my brother and a friend jumped on it, and only making it halfway up the stairs before falling asleep on the landing.

Sorry for a post with no photo. After all he went through, I thought it would be too mean to add a camera flash to his nap interruption!