Thursday, September 07, 2006

We have been reminded that it has been several days since the last photo was posted here, so first let us apologize for being remiss in our duties. It has been a busy week coming out of the holiday weekend. Edward had the chance to visit his Grandma and Grandpa Kenyon and Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Askren. He had a lot of fun with all of them, and I think it's safe to safe they with him. Here he plays with Great Grandpa, while to the left he shows Great Grandma just how big he's getting. He's a handful!

He also took the time to laze about with me while I took it easy doing some reading for work (really). It isn't often that he is content to lay around and not be moving, so we take advantage when we can.

All of that play can make a fella dirty, so baths are a necessity. About the only time Edward still feels small is when he balls himself up while we dry him off after one. Here he has contorted himself to allow for some slobber application on his freshly cleaned foot.

That is probably putting the cart before the horse, because one key reason Edward needs to bathe frequently is his habit of trying to wear as much food as he eats during mealtime. Mary decided to experiment with some fresh watermelon this week, cutting some into tiny pieces to give to Ed. As you can tell, it's an acquired taste. It got easier once she introduced Cheerios to the mix, combining the two for an odd dessert.

Finally, here's some video of playtime from tonight. Ed is growing quite adept at pulling himself up to standing position, and we anticipate (fear?) that he'll soon be much more mobile. Otherwise, it's getting easier and easier to coax a laugh from him (until he gets tired and/or bored and goes the other direction, as you'll see here).