Monday, April 10, 2006

This is what Edward was supposed to wear for his first "school picture day" today. (Feel free to laugh...this seems to be the universal reaction to the notion of a school picture for a three-and-a-half month old!) Note that I say "supposed to wear." I considered not having him wear it when I learned the forecast called for 70 degrees and sunny today. A turtleneck and flannel overalls seemed a bit excessive. But it's such a cute outfit I couldn't resist and figured he could change when we got home at noon. He didn't even make it to 7:15 in this. John was holding him while I went to finish getting dressed for work. I never put my work clothes on until right before we're leaving, knowing Edward's propensity for liquid gifts, including this morning when he peed on me while I was changing him. But no problem...I was still wearing my t-shirt.

Anyway, while I was getting dressed, I heard "Bleh" followed immediately by "Woah!" The former, as you might guess, was Edward, and the latter, of course, was John. Edward had spit up on his own shoulder. No problem...he has two red shirts so we changed to the second one. Then I said, "Hey, we should probably take his picture at home in case he doesn't make it all the way to picture time in this outfit." Then we took this picture. Then I sat down to try to feed him one more time before leaving, since he'd decided 5 a.m. was a good time to wake up today. While we were getting settled, another "Bleh" spewed forth, this time landing on the sleeve of his shirt, the front of his overalls, my shirt sleeve and my pants leg.

So then we both had to change. So much for the 5 a.m. wake up call giving us plenty of time for a leisurely morning. Luckily, I had ironed four shirts yesterday having "rediscovered" them in my closet. Two were shirts I honestly had forgotten that I owned because they were new last year and I only got to wear them a few times before they were no longer size appropriate.

I think the spit up is because he's been falling asleep while eating and then I can't get him to burp afterward. I hesitate to wake him just to burp, but it may come to that. He's napping now after eating (and burping!) when we got home from school. When he wakes up, we're headed out with the stroller to enjoy that 70-degree sunshine. Welcome spring!!