Wednesday, November 07, 2012

At school drop off one morning, Daniel noticed another mom who had some purple streaks in her hair. (Kind of underneath in the back, so not screamingly obvious, but definitely not remnants of a costume.)

D: Mom, why does she have purple hair?
M: Well, I guess she likes it that way.
D: She used dye to make her hair purple. Why don't you?
M: Well, purple hair's not really my thing.
D: inspecting me more closely "I see you used some white dye in your hair on the sides."
(Hello, cut and color, please!?)
M: That's actually not dye. When you get older your hair starts to turn white. You know like Gram and PopPop and Grandma and Grandpa?
D: But Daddy's older than you. Why doesn't he have white hair?
M: (did not say) "because it's totally unfair!" (did say) "Because his hair is blond like yours and it's hard to see the white mixed in.