Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Apologies for the blog silence. We were out of town for the weekend and of course, that's when we finally got an offer on our house. We now have both sale and purchase negotiated and are waiting for various inspections. Our buyer wanted to close by Aug. 29, and we didn't feel we were in a position to be picky so we accepted and now must execute this upheaval in a mere three weeks. Expect a quiet month for the blog, but we'll try to throw some pictures up from time to time. We actually got a new camera, but haven't even had time to play with it!

Aside from the real estate insanity, we had a lovely weekend in Evanston. Good times and plenty of good-natured teasing among siblings. The funniest was finding out that Joe treated Bridget to dinner when she was visiting him in D.C. and the immediate and simultaneous shocked reaction from PJ, Nora and me. Joe is enormously generous of spirit but known to be a bit tight of wallet. My mom almost fell off her chair laughing. Another high point for hilarity was the "crutch race" between Ann (broken foot) and PJ (broken leg) down the middle of the street. PJ won by a mile, but Ann notes that he has more than a year of experience and she's a relative newbie at only a few weeks.