Thursday, July 10, 2008

Daniel is six months old today. His gift from daycare? Pink eye. Again. The fourth time in the three months he's been going there. Am I getting ticked? To say the least. But it's hard to place blame. None of the other kids in his class are getting it. So either he is super-sensitive and susceptible to it or he's not getting it there. Edward's class doesn't have it either, but apparently it's been going around pretty constantly in the pre-school room (ages 4-5.)

When he's not fighting infection, Daniel is a very happy baby. He's close to sitting on his own and is definitely on the move with rolling. (He's not anywhere near standing or pulling up--we just thought these shorts were so cute and John decided this was the best way to show them off.) He stretches and reaches for toys on his blanket when he's playing. He also is figuring out how to replace his own pacifier after he drops it. Sometimes he gets frustrated though, and when I check on him I find that he's jamming the wrong end into his mouth. This week he also had some new food--peas. Grandma gave him his first serving on Sunday and he wasn't too sure about it. But as the week has progressed it seemed to grow on him and now he flaps his arms and opens his mouth for more.

Lately, Edward has taken to playing with the various vacuum attachments--interesting, considering the vacuum itself is an object of fear, but only when engaged in its actual purpose. The flexible hose is good for putting out pretend fires. These more solid pieces are interesting to fit together and pull apart. They also have been fashioned into a trimmer and a lawn mower (the latter with the addition of a cardboard box.) This little game was only played on Sunday, but it was minutes of fun, before the abrupt end, which you'll hear as the video closes:

Later in the day (Edward in new clothes) he was entertaining Daniel, which we thought was hilarious. This video is actually a bit toned down because we were laughing too hard at first to get the camera. By the time I started filming, they were running out of energy:

Another fun new discovery for Edward is that he can take all of Daniel's toys out of the cabinet where we keep them and then climb in himself. At first he wasn't sure he liked it when the door closed (not latched, just enough to block the light) but now he pulls it closed and proclaims, "It's dark!" I am hoping he doesn't decide this is a nice private spot for taking care of personal business. Yesterday was a major triumph--same clothes from the time he got dressed until bedtime! No accidents means Mom actually had a laundry-free day--woo hoo!

As you can see, this is currently a "pants optional" household for those under 3. Sometimes he wants them sometimes he doesn't. He wears them to daycare and sometimes asks for them before going outside, but over the weekend he took several spins around the block on his bike with no shorts. Oh, to be so utterly un-self-conscious!