Monday, May 19, 2008

Daniel upgraded to the full-size crib this weekend. John looked in on him an hour after he went to bed last night and reported back, "He looks like someone who's spent his life in a twin-size bed and then goes to a hotel and finds a king size." In the cradle, he slept with his arms outstretched and they flopped out through the slats. Here, his arms don't reach the sides.

But this is a quasi-real-time shot--he's actually sleeping next to me as I post, so I will keep it short. His cough is better, but now he has a rash on his feet and legs. I thought it was hand/foot/mouth disease, which Edward had during his first summer, but the rash has extended further than would be expected with that. He has no fever and is not acting like it bothers him though, so the phone triage nurse said we could wait until his scheduled well-baby visit on Thursday.

He hasn't been sleeping all that well at night though--regressing to waking to eat at least twice a night. Ugh! This morning he got up at 5 and then was back asleep in his high chair by 6:30. Bummer, since we can't join him in his mid-early-morning snooze. John left him the paper in case he woke up while he was in the shower.

Daniel wore his first shorts on Saturday, but only for a few hours before a leaky diaper forced a change. We need more shorts weather though because he's mostly outgrown all the 3-6 month clothes and is ready for 6-9 month, but Ed's clothes in that size are from a much warmer summer. No pants to be found!

Funny story from Ed's week. We went to Target one late afternoon for a baby gift for some friends. Ed always wants to know where we're going and then talk about it the whole way there (can't wait for the four-hour trip to Milwaukee and Evanston this weekend! With any luck he'll sleep a few of those hours or we may be batty from the constant questions.) So along the way he started talking about guitar, and I was assuming he was talking about John's instrument, which they sometimes play together. But he was clearly frustrated with my responses, and I finally realized he'd conflated "Target" and "guitar." So now we talk about the big, red T at Target and I think he's got it straight.