I don't kid myself that we'll be able to keep an equal pace with photos and blog updates once the baby arrives, but at least this is something s/he will have that Edward never did: a preview of coming attractions. We had plenty of ultrasounds with Ed, but never scanned and posted the images. Here is today's snapshot of Baby Kenyon, strong and healthy, approximately 1 lb. 3 oz., and often quite energetic if the kicks are an indicator. The ultrasound tech seemed quite eager to share the gender secret, but we resisted the temptation. We like having this mystery awaiting discovery (though we'd be better off if we only had to choose and agree upon one name--such a difficult task!)
We had a couple of extra measurements taken as part of a research study here at the University--the same study I participated in during my last pregnancy. This measures the blood flow in the uterine arteries as a possible indicator of future onset of preeclampsia or other complications. My reading was perfect and the doctor was quite pleased with what she saw. She also said the early results from the study are quite promising as far as the effectiveness of this diagnostic compared with others currently in use. Perhaps I'm part of the wave of the future in prenatal care. Glad to contribute to any knowledge that keeps moms and babies safe and healthy!
We noted with particular interest that this baby already outweighs Will, who was two weeks further along when he was born. This is still a scary time and we're certainly not out of the woods risk-wise, but we know he's watching out for us and we're comforted by his continued presence in our lives.