Wednesday, February 07, 2007
I'm not sure how I managed to post my earlier entry twice, but things should be back to normal now. Thanks to my brother P.J. for the heads-up. While he was at it, he sent along this photo--the phone photo alluded to below. We'll try to get one in higher resolution, but here you can see the tips of Edward's new red Converse All-Star low tops. Sweet!
Edward is back asleep now, after waking from his morning nap with a full diaper, getting changed and dressed, snacking on Kix and clementine orange slices, enduring my force-feeding of a bottle of milk (or at least 3 oz. worth of the bottle), playing happily for about an hour, slowly devolving to tears and moaning, refusing any more liquid or food (except three or four Cheerios) and then finding solace with his pacifier and blankie. Two steps forward, one step back.