Sunday, February 12, 2006

Our friends B & M welcomed their second child last week and we could not be happier for them. It will be great to have kids the same least until they get to the "cootie" stage (their baby is a girl, their second daughter.) But it was funny that one of their first comments was "I forgot how much they sleep!" They are of course accustomed to the schedule of their two-and-a-half year old. Sometimes I still can't believe how much Edward sleeps, though I know it's contributing to his healthy growth. A couple of times recently he has gone slightly more than five hours overnight. The first time I woke in a panic thinking I'd missed his call. But no, he was still sleeping. Oh to have that consistently...or maybe even six or seven hours? Dare to dream!

This photo is from a Saturday nap. It was his first time in a pants outfit rather than a one-piece footie sleeper. We thought it was endlessly entertaining that his pants had to be pulled up "old man style" almost to his arm pits. When you don't have a waist it's tough to wear them any other way! You'll also note that despite the last post bemoaning his refusal of the pacifier, he's sucking away here. We found a pacifier of the same brand as the bottle and thought it was worth a try. He doesn't take it immediately, but sometimes if we hold it there for a bit and let him work it around with his tongue he'll take it and start sucking.

He also sleeps well in this carrier generously on loan from our friends J & S. S swears by the BabyBjorn, saying both their kids practically lived in it! It's very cozy and leaves my hands free while he sleeps all snug and close.