Sunday, May 04, 2014

This year's rhododendron picture coincided with Edward's First Communion weekend. We'll also remember this one as "the year with the cast!"

We'll also remember this as "the year three cousins in three states all had their First Communion on the same day!" Katherine in Wisconsin and Sean in Arizona were also celebrating the sacrament so Geraghtys were dispatched in all directions with Aunt Nora (Edward's godmother) coming to Iowa City, my parents to Wisconsin and Uncle Joe to Arizona (where Sean also needed a Confirmation sponsor.)

Can you see the halo? The day before the big event, our former neighbor who also is a member of our parish stopped by with a card for Edward. This was his first indication that this would be a gift-giving occasion and it was very cute when he opened the card and exclaimed, "Whoa, five dollars--thank you!"

Good thing Daniel has two years to mature before his own big day.

The bright day was too much of an adjustment after leaving the church, 
so this was the best family portrait we could manage.

Godson and Godmother (and rhododendron!)

Edward's party needs were very simple. He asked to go out to lunch at Micky's after church (Nora and Simon were a bit scandalized that our son's favorite restaurant is a college town bar!) 
And he wanted vanilla cake with a gold cross. Done!