Sunday, April 27, 2014

We tried to squeeze in a quick trip to the park this afternoon before impending bad weather. But after about 20 minutes we were sent packing when the weather siren sounded. The boys were absolutely horrified to be caught outside, exposed to the danger. Even my calm reminders that the sirens are not just for tornadoes, but also for severe thunderstorms did not quell their anxiety.

"WHY aren't you RUNNING," they called over their shoulders as they rode their scooters down the hill toward home. For the record, there were a few stray rain drops and gusty winds, but no thunder or lightning at this point.

Once we reached home they were still scampering around like nervous cats so I finally gave them a bag and said, "Here, take this and put things in it to keep yourselves busy if we have to go to the basement." I emphasized that this was not a "survival kit" as we had plenty of water, food and flashlights in the basement already. Here is what they packed:
  • Nintendo DS (and games)
  • LeapPad (and games)
  • iPad
  • Lego
  • Lucha Libre masks
  • Willy Wonka hat
  • coin purse
  • set of toy magnets
  • rubber snake
We did not end up needing to seek shelter, but the gathering of items did calm them a bit. Then we allowed a bit of TV time and by the time the show ended the worst of the weather had passed.

And later in the evening there was much love for new pajamas that I impulsively added to my "cart" while ordering a new pair of "church shoes" for Edward, having learned this week that the ones he was wearing were 2 sizes smaller than his everyday shoes!

Oh...just realizing that the picture of the Lucha Libre masks John and I brought home from our trip to Mexico in February never made it to the blog. Here is what is considered essential severe weather entertainment: