Friday, January 31, 2014

A bit of January randomness:

 Edward's art teacher selected his Nutcracker drawing for a small art show this month sponsored by the UI College of Engineering. It's an annual show in memory of the wife of one of the professors, who was a local art teacher for two decades. Ed's teacher said she appreciated his attention to detail in his drawing, which was based on his class field trip to a local dance school's Nutcracker performance. He said he used watercolor, crayon and glitter pen to create it.

 Here we see the Christmas sweatshirts from Grandma employed as defense against the Arctic January 2014. The boys have their sweatshirt hoods up, masks down, and ski-mask hats over them topped off with jacket hoods.

This craft project completed with Grandma last night is as perfect a window into our boys' individual personalities as we may ever see. The one on the right completed exactly according to the specifications of the kit, each step meticulously followed in order. (Edward) The one on the left, all the same pieces but placed according to the whim of the craftsman (Daniel) who never met a direction he didn't want to question.