Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yesterday it was sunny and 60. Today it is rainy and 38. Yesterday all the snow melted. More snow is expected on Friday. Such is life in the Midwest. We knew it couldn't last so we bolted outside as soon as naps were over. In fact, Daniel and I ventured as far as the porch while Ed was still sleeping. Daniel was quite intrigued by the concept of the "open door." He stood there for a while looking out, then played with the inside door, opening and closing over and over. When he started banging with both hands on the screen door, I got our shoes and sweatshirts.

We were headed down the driveway with the wagon when John pulled up, home an hour early from work. Perfect day for playing hooky. We started walking while he went in to change. Progress was slow as we stopped to splash in puddles and explore what has been covered in snow for the last two months. He caught up with us in less than a block. At that point we knew both boys would have to ride if we were going to make it to the park (four blocks.) Here's what we were doing while waiting for John:

Fashion disclaimer: Edward's ladybug rain boots were a hand-me-down from our former neighbor. I just remembered they were stashed away after he soaked himself splashing on Monday. Edward LOVES them and never wants to wear any other footwear. John is less enthusiastic.

We played at the park for an hour, trying to soak up every last ray of the setting sun. Daniel is a climber--quite adventurous and with no concept of his own physical limitations. This will definitely make for an interesting spring/summer!

During Monday's afternoon adventure, which was much more puddly, we took Daniel's push walker outside. It is now permanently an outdoor toy as it is well-acquainted with mud and melted snow. In its place, we finally brought out Daniel's birthday present (a shopping cart), which did not arrive in time for his actual birthday due in part to poor planning and in part due to poor retail. (I assumed I could buy this locally and didn't realize until six days before his birthday that none of our local stores carry it. I had to order online.) As luck would have it, we also had two final Christmas presents from my aunt and uncle, delivered last weekend when my parents visited. This somewhat reduced Edward's "entitlement" attitude toward Daniel's new toy, but we still had some refereeing to do.

Fashion disclaimer 2: Edward required a change of pants after our park adventure and insisted on shorts. It wasn't really this warm, but what the heck.

In closing, one last photo I forgot to post last time. I think this is the mental picture of fatherhood John had before any actual kids arrived on the scene. It was quite cute, though, of course, short-lived. (For the pop-culture-impaired among us, this is father and son enjoying the Bruce Springsteen performance at halftime during the Superbowl.)