Thursday, February 08, 2007

Edward is doing better today, though still not up to full speed. He gets crabby a lot more easily and he's nowhere near the eating machine we know and love. I think he's getting enough liquids through my attempts to force feed him. His diapers have been wet and he still has plenty of tears and drool! We tried a few other foods that are "liquid like," including Jell-O, pudding and sherbet, but all were roundly rejected. John was happy to eat the left-over Jell-O and sherbet, but he passed on the pudding after I told him that Ed plunged his hand into the cup. It was quite messy. These two green shirt photos were taken only moments apart, demonstrating today's mood swings. Strangely, one of the only things to hold his attention today was playing with my slippers, taking them off my feet and then attempting to put them back on. Also trying to grab my wiggling toes. Weird kid.

The snowman sweatshirt photos were taken the other day. Edward frequently finds his own shoes and offers them to whoever is nearby to hold for a moment before he grabs them back and replaces them on the shelf above his books. He also loves the box of books Gram got him for his birthday. The books are all songs (Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Old MacDonald, etc.) and he like to "chair dance" while I sing them to him. But more than anything he likes to take them out and put them back in the box. He doesn't quite get the concept of putting them in vertically and will smash the book flat against the box frustrated that it won't go in. Spatial relations are apparently a later skill.